KPI tracker

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a business metric that measures the performance & progress of
a business against its key objectives.
5 Reasons – Why you need KPIs

  1. To measure progress
  2. To make adjustments & stay on track
  3. To solve problems & tackle opportunities
  4. To analyse patterns overtime
  5. To monitor company’s health

The KPIs will differ on the organization. Whatever KPIs are selected, they must reflect the
organisations goals, they must be key to its success & they must be quantifiable (measurable). KPIs
are usually long-term considerations.
With KPI Dashboards,

  • Targets can be set for each functions
  • These targets can be compared with the actuals
  • Targets further can be drilled down at employee level

Few examples of KPIs in different areas,

  • A sales team might track new revenue
  • A customer support team might measure the average on-hold time for customers
  • A marketing group will look at the contribution of marketing generated sales leads
  • Human resources will look at employee management
  • Other areas of the business will look at the efficiency of processes

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